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Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 28 Aug 2022

INADEQUACY INFRASTRUCTURE IN INDIAN COURTS·         According to the Chief Justice of India, developing a strong judicial infrastructure for Indian courts has always been a secondary concern. Because of this mentality, courts in India continue to function in outdated buildings, making…

Jaeeme Khan 14 Aug 2022

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type…


Admission of Counter Claim in RERA
Counter ClaimRecently, on 6th June 2022, the Panchkula Bench of Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority passed a judgment in case titled as "Ansal Infrastructure and Properties Vs. Raj Mahendra Singh" RERA-PKL-404-2020 which came as a big relief to the homebuyers…

Kishan Dutt

The break down of the doctrine of Res-Judicata
The break down of the doctrine of Res-JudicataThe meaning of Res is Subject Matter, and the meaning of judicata is adjudged together meaning “a matter adjudged”. In easier words, the thing has been concluded by the court. If the matter…

Suril Desai 22 Jul 2022

Don’t ban cryptocurrencies, instead set up a regulatory body
Whether you are for or against bitcoins and cryptocurrencies, you cannot deny their importance as an evolution in money and banking. In a short span of 13 years, cryptocurrencies have gained mass acceptance and popularity, paving the path for a…

Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 15 Jul 2022

How is 'BLACK MAGIC' governed in India
How is 'BLACK MAGIC' governed in IndiaBlack magic has been practised in India for a long time and is a social evil in our country supported by people's religious beliefs. There are several examples where in the context of healing…

Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 10 Jul 2022

Different Identities of an NDA
Different Identities of an NDANDA stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement whichis utilised to safely share personal data and information which is confidential such as trade secrets and inventions that are unpatented, with another party. It is also called confidentiality non-disclosure agreements,…

Markandey Katju 30 Jun 2022

Revisiting Obergefell vs Hodges
Roe vs Wade is likely to be overturned by the US Supreme Court, as the leaked draft opinion of Justice Alito indicates, and I have in my article published in indicanews.com said that I agree with Justice Alito.https://indicanews.com/2022/05/09/revisiting-roe-vs-wadeFor the reason…

Inkeshaf Ahmed
Inkeshaf Ahmed Md 26 Jun 2022

Supreme Court terms  PD Act as extraordinary Act, says it can’t be invoked against citizens in normal circumstances in violation  of personal  liberty of citizens
In a land mark judgement, the apex court of the country, Supreme Court of India, has termed  PD (Preventive Detention ) Act as an extraordinary Act and said that the Act can’t be used against the citizens of the country…

Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 22 Jun 2022

Eligibility to become  Public Prosecutor in India
Eligibility to become  Public Prosecutor in India Public Prosecutors are the advocates of Government and are in charge of the appeal, trial, and all other court processes. Primarily, conducting a pre-trial investigation in a civil or criminal case, supervising the implementation…
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