What is Super App ?
Bivas Chatterjee 11 Oct 2022

What is Super App ?

Super App is a multi tasking multi-platform mobile application using which you can chat, book online cab, order for online food, you can pay on online etc. It is actually a mall in virtual world through these App. One the very popular Super App in China and other parts of Asia is WeChat ( 

Elon Mask is proposing a super app  X, by which the people of the other parts of the world can access many facilities. In India Tata has introduced TataNue (

As per experts the concerns over Super App are two fold and they are :

They can create a monopoly and the privacy concern. The huge consumers data can be used to create Artificial Artificial Intelligence which the predict the customer behaviours.  Anyway we are awaiting to see the effect of the Super App in the days to come. 

In today’s ever-changing world where the age-old conventional technology has been defenestrated every day, data proved to be the most important thing and usually termed as “oil” or “air” of our society. The avalanche of data or should I say Big data are the only business interest for the big entities of our complex society. It is ex-facie clear that our data is the centre of attraction for those entities. Some invincible data brokers qua data-analytics without our knowledge are collecting, packaging and selling our personal private data online and offline. Even the different e-commerce and social site companies are collecting, storing and tracking our data. Our life is converted into data package where we are only products. Our every purchase, every journey, every likes and dislikes, hobbies, thinking and thus every part of our life are digitised, tracked and logged. Today all around we can find a data war where unknown and invisible data brokers are stealing our data and profiling us. This unfair business.

• In the light of the above, we need to have legislation which will protect us from this gross attack on our cherished privacy and security. The corner stone of all the laws in the world is human dignity as we strongly believe the celebrated maxim “Salus populi suprema lex esto” [Let the good (or safety) of the people be the supreme (or highest) law]. But the innate difference between the progress of technology and law is due to the fact technologies are moved on rapid speed while law on the other hand moves slowly. Today with the more use of various algorithm the strain relationship of law and data analytics or Artificial Intelligence are becoming prominent. The intention of the privacy legislation is to put a tap on unauthorized collection, share management and use of one’s personal data.

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