Rights of employer/company against employees?
Kanika bhardwaj 30 Apr 2019

Rights of employer/company against employees?

Rights of employer/company against employees?

1. Employer can ask for notice period-Incase notice period is not served by employee, employer can sue employee for recovery of salary of notice period.
2- Arbitration - Instead of going to civil court, employer can bound an employee via agreement for arbitration. It is not much expensive and also the procedure is speedy. Secondly, employer can choose the place of arbitration which can be the office itself. Also the employees will not be able to approach civil court directly. They will have to go through arbitration proceedings.
3- Criminal cases - In case of data theft, transferring confidential data, cyber crime, breaching of agreement with criminal intent, any other mal practice,employer can directly dial 100 number and lodge a complaint then register FIR immediately. Immediate action can help employee being punished and employer can get a relief.
4- Absolute right to terminate with notice period-If notice period is served to employee on termination, employee cannot take any legal action against employer in future.
5- Damages & compensation - can ask for recovery of damages and compensation at any point of time during employment , after employment within 3 years.
Kanika Bhardwaj
Advocate, New Delhi

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