Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 1 Nov 2023 12:03pm
How International Humanitarian Law Develops
2310 0 0
Last evening the #ICRCRegionalDelegation, New Delhi had organized a very significant program at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The occasion was the launch of a title, "How #InternationalHumanitarianLaw Develops,-- Humanitarian debate: Law, Policy, Action". The publication has come as Volume 104, Number 920-21 of International Review of the Red…
Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 31 Oct 2023 3:51pm
Going Strong, Amb Lalit Mansingh, Part 5
2035 0 0
Transformation of Indo-US RelationsIn this video, Lalit Mansingh points to the historical path of Indo US relations from the Cold War to the recent proclamation of Comprehensive Strategic Global Partnership. It is indicative of a radical shift and a change in mutual perception of the two countries in just two decades.Mansingh was Foreign Secretary…
Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 2 Oct 2023 3:15pm
Justice MC Chagla Birth Centenary at Jaipur
2079 0 0
Attended the Birth anniversary celebrations of Justice MC Chagla on Saturday, 30th September at the Five Years Law College of University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. A large number of students, faculty and eminent citizens attended the event.The contribution of Justice Chagla as a successful lawyer,eminent chief justice of Bombay…
Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 26 Sep 2023 5:55pm
Going Strong, Fali Nariman, Senior Advocate, Part 3  Lex Consilium Foundation 889 subscribers Analytics Edit video
5103 0 0
In video No 3, Senior Advocate Fali Nariman comments that the heart governs the head very often. A lawyer must have a mix of heart and head. An advocate must have the ability, competence and confidence to admit that his case is weak . On a question, whether it is the Constitution which has failed us or it is we who have failed the Constitution, he…
Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 25 Sep 2023 4:37pm
Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition
1685 0 0
The above event is one of the most coveted competition for the law students.Was immensely pleased to attend the semifinal moot as a Judge on Sunday, 24 Sep 2023 at the Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi. The annual event is jointly organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the ISIL. Front ranking law colleges in India…
Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 25 Sep 2023 10:47am
Teaching of 'Law & Economics'
915 0 0
In Video Number 3 relating to the course on law and economics, the desired pedagogy for teaching the course has been explained. The students should have an elementary knowledge of elementary economics. They need to be taught the subject by use of examples and explanations. Prior understanding of calculus would certainly be beneficial. The course must…
Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 12 Sep 2023 2:47pm
1352 0 0
This case study examines the applicability of the objects and purpose of the Competition Act in the crucible of the Supreme Court of India's decision in the Swiss Challenge Method case. Swiss Challenge Method is a distinct scheme adopted in a few cases in India. Under this method, any person, firm, association or private developer can approach the…
Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 11 Sep 2023 12:30pm
New Inter Services Law for the Military in India, Action in Haste
881 0 0
1. The successful passage of Inter-Services Organizations (Command, Control and Discipline) Bill, 2023 by the Parliament in its last session has been claimed as a major statutory step by the Union Government to make the theatre commands effective . The Bill after attaining the assent of the President formally comes to occupy a space in the India Code.…
Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 7 Sep 2023 1:53pm
Interesting Career for Law Graduates
507 0 0
इंटरनेशनल ह्यूमैनिटेरियन लॉ (आई एच एल )कानून के क्षेत्र में पब्लिक इंटरनेशनल लॉ की श्रेणी में एक रोचक और आधुनिक विषय है। इस कानून की पढ़ाई करने से उसमें रुचि लेने वाले छात्र एक सफल कैरियर को चुन सकते हैं। उसमें प्रैक्टिस, टीचिंग, रिसर्च तथा वैतनिक जाॅब के लिए अनूठे अवसर उपलब्ध हैं।एल एल एम या पोस्ट ग्रेजुएशन करने के बाद इसमें छात्र देश और विदेश में…
Maj Gen Nilendra
Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar 6 Sep 2023 4:31pm
Identify and Select your Law Career Option
640 0 0
कानून में डिग्री के लिए पढ़ रहे छात्रों में से अधिकांश नौकरी करना चाहते हैं। पढ़ाई पूरी होने के बाद वह नियमित रूप के किसी जाॅब की तलाश में रहते हैं। इस प्रकार के विद्यार्थियों की सहायता के लिए हमारी चैनल लेक्स कौनसीलियम फाउंडेशन ने कुछ विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में पोस्ट के विषय में जानकारी एकत्रित की है। हमारी फाउंडेशन की प्लेलिस्ट 'कैरियर्स इन लॉ' में आप…
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