Lawstreet Journal

Sewage Water Discharge Into Ganga & Yamuna Rivers: Allahabad High Court Forms Committee, Orders Sample Testing In IITs [READ ORDER]

Lawstreet Journal 8 Nov 2021 5:22pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Sewage Water Discharge Into Ganga & Yamuna Rivers: Allahabad High Court Forms Committee, Orders Sample Testing In IITs [READ ORDER]

The Allahabad High Court recently directed two of India's premier institutions, IIT Kanpur and IIT BHU, Varanasi, to test the samples and submit a report on the quality of water in the Ganga and Yamuna rivers. 

Importantly, while taking into account the complaints about sewage water flowing directly into the two rivers, the Bench of Justices Manoj Kumar Gupta, Siddhartha Varma, and Ajit Kumar also formed a committee to collect samples from various points along the Ganga and Yamuna.

Essentially, the Court was dealing with a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) petition filed by Advocate V. C. Srivastava, who complained that the sewerage treatment plants are shut down at night and sewage water is discharged directly into the rivers Ganga and Yamuna.

A. K. Gupta, Amicus, and V. C. Srivastava (petitioner) submitted that at the point of discharge of effluents from untapped nalas, which are being treated by the so-called bio-remediation process, it is visible to naked eyes that the water is discoloured and emits a foul odour, and the water is unfit even for bathing.

Because the Court was dissatisfied with the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board's report on sample collection and a subsequent report on water quality, the Court formed this committee and directed as follows:

“Four number of samples from each point shall be drawn. One set shall be used by U.P. Pollution control Board for testing and the report thereof shall be supplied to this Court in a sealed cover on or before the next date. Two set of each… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Allahabad High Court  
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