Lawstreet Journal

Victims of Corona Have Right to Decent Burial: Calcutta HC Issues Guidelines

Lawstreet Journal 18 Sep 2020 11:52pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Victims of Corona Have Right to Decent Burial: Calcutta HC Issues Guidelines

Since this pandemic has started, the body of the person who died due to this deadly Coronavirus is not given to their family members but was buried by the hospital authorities itself. This step was taken keeping in mind that dead bodies also carry this virus and if the bodies were given to the family members, the family members would also get infected. So just to control and minimize the spread of this virus the government took this step.


Now as we all know Right to Decent Burial is our fundamental right and upon this, a PIL was filed in Calcutta High Court raising the following issues:-


i) The human remains/dead bodies of persons inflicted with Covid-19 are being disposed of by the administration unceremoniously and in an undignified manner without showing even a semblance of respect to the mortal remains.

ii) Relatives and friends of persons admitted to hospitals with Covid-19 or persons who have contracted the disease whilst in hospitals having been admitted for some other malady, and who subsequently passed away, are not being permitted to have a last look at or to pay last respect to the mortal remains of the dead person and to perform the last rites.

iii) There is no proper reporting of Covid-19 cases or Covid-19 deaths.

iv) District wise lists should be published containing names of all persons infected with Covid-19.


The court was of the view that “There is no scope for doubt anymore that the right to life enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution… Continue Reading...

Tagged: calcutta high court   Corona Updates  
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