U.S. Judge blasts Mueller for creating charges against Manafort to target Trump

Team SoOLEGAL 7 May 2018 2:12pm

U.S. Judge blasts Mueller for creating charges against Manafort to target Trump

Alexandria, U.S.A: A U.S. federal judge blasted team of prosecutors of special counsel Robert Mueller, charging that they are trumpeting charges against Trump's chief campaign manager Manafort to reach Trump. The Federal Judge T.S. Ellis said how a bank and tax fraud allegation made in 2005-06 has any connection relating to accusation of Russian interference in American elections. The charges are all lies and done to create trouble for Trump.

The Judge said these are tactics to pressurise Mr. Manafort in such a manner that he ends up providing information that would lead to President Donald Trump’s “prosecution or impeachment.”

“How does bank fraud in 2005 or 2006 have anything to do with coordination with the Russian government? Judge Ellis said. “What is really going on, it seems to me, is that this indictment is to put pressure on Mr. Manafort, but in and of itself has nothing to do with your appointment.”

The hearing focused on Mr. Manafort’s motion to have the charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria. Defense attorney Kevin Downing argued that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with Mr. Mueller’s directive to investigate whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.

Mueller will also face trial in Federal court in Washington where he faces money laundering charges and charges of failing to register as a foreign agent when he campaigned for pro Russian Ukrainian government.

Last year in the month of August deputy AG of U.S.A. Rod Rosentein had authorised Mueller to carry an investigation against Manafort related to the payments he received for his lobbying assignment he did for Ukrainian government.

Tagged: U.S. Federal judge   U.S. Deputy A.G   Ukrainian Government  
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