Lawstreet Journal

Supreme Court To Hear Petition Challenging Rakesh Asthanas Appointment

Lawstreet Journal 25 Jan 2022 5:30pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Supreme Court To Hear Petition Challenging Rakesh Asthanas Appointment

Adv Prashant Bhushan: It is ready for arguments

Justice Chandrachud: I am sitting with Justice Maheshwari since there are covid induced issues. How much time will you take?

Bhushan: 30 minutes

Sr Adv Rohatgi: PMLA matters is going on. I appear for Asthana

Justice Chandrachud: Hopefully by next week regular benches will regularise

Bhushan: this matter is hanging fire for a very long time. There are 3 short points

Rohatgi: kindly have it week after next week

Bhushan : If these people know that they are busy in some other cases

SG Tushar Mehta: your colleagues Mr Bhushan, not people !

Justice Chandrachud: Mr Solicitor how much time will you take

SG: 3 to 3,5 hours in realistic assessment

Rohatgi: I will take 2 hours

Bhushan: i will take a session of 2 hours

SC: We will assign two days to this case. We will start on February 9, 2022 and February 10, 2022.

Bhushan: please make it clear that no adjournments will be granted

SG: There is no personal harm here. atleast he is in supposed public interest here

SC: In the event the hearing is not completed on Feb 9, the hearing shall continue on Feb 10, 2022

SG: Let us continue the clock of public interests

Bhushan: SG makes such remarks

SG: These are well considered statements

DYC J: We will reserve this for hearing day

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Tagged: Rakesh Asthana   CBI   Delhi Police  
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