Lawstreet Journal

Simplify the Process of Ration Distribution: Delhi HC to AAP Govt.

Lawstreet Journal 30 Apr 2020 5:32pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Simplify the Process of Ration Distribution: Delhi HC to AAP Govt.

Delhi High Court on Monday, 27 April 2020 directed the State Government to simplify the distribution of ration to the less privileged sections of the society. Earlier, this was carried out by showing ration cards at fair price shops and obtaining the required items. However, with the lockdown rules in place, the process of disbursement of ration has become a bit cumbersome. Due to the unavailability of essential food supplies amid lockdown, the general public is left suffering. This issue was highlighted to the Delhi High Court by a Non- Government Organization - Nayee Soch Society by way of plea filing. The plea mentioned the need for fair access to ration even to those who do not have the required ration cards at present. 

Ration Cards are a common form of identification for many people. It is the official document issued by the government to households that are eligible to purchase subsidized food grains from the Public Distribution System. All-State Governments of India are required to identify these households and provide them with Ration Cards under the National Food Security Act, 2013 (also known as Right to Food Act), a mechanism that aims to provide subsidized food grains to those who cannot afford them at the equilibrium market price. The parameters of identification and classification of these households are determined by each of the state governments respectively. 

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Tagged: Lockdown   Aam Aadmi Party  
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