Lawstreet Journal

Supreme Court continues hearing the matter of reservation in Maharashtra local bodies election. [LIVE UPDATES]

Lawstreet Journal 20 Jan 2022 6:05pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Supreme Court continues hearing the matter of reservation in Maharashtra local bodies election. [LIVE UPDATES]

The Supreme Court continues hearing the matter of reservation in  Maharashtra local bodies election.

Maharashtra govt had urged the SC to recall order renotifying 27% OBC seats as those of general category.

Adv K Parmeshwar: There an order passed against him in 15.1

SC: I don't have it. We are avoiding papers now.

Parmeshwar reads the order

SC: The elections were regarding panchayat?

Parmeshwar: Yes. The incumbent president was disqualified after your Gawli decision. We aren't concerned with that. On 9/11/21 election is declared.

SC: It's not a direct election?

Parmeshwar: no. The collector is taking a stand that

Parmeshwar: the triple test judgement only applies to the subject matter of the judgement.

SC: There'll be new elections in March. Hardly any time is left

Parmeshwar: The person was declared am OBC candidate. He cannot be elected, it comes in the teeth of your lordships order

Adv Rahul Chitnis: First of all I tender unconditional apology if we have committed any contempt. The collector has given an affidavit...

SC: One minute, we have to go into breakout room to discuss.

Chitnis: Okay, my lord. This is a new thing we have to learn now

SC: Whether election has been conducted for this panchayat?

Chitnis: Yes, the affidavit says so

SC: So fresh committee will continue?

Chitnis: No.

SC: General elections have happened?

Chitnis: No

SC: Then we will not take any policy decision.

SC: The Panchayat samiti's term is getting over in February 2022. If you conduct general elections it will be according to our order.

SC: The HC declined to interfere in the writ petition which had challenged the election of respondent… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Election Commission of India   Maharashtra  
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