SC Imposes Rs 25,000 Fine on Lawyer for Filing PIL Seeking to Lower Marriageable age of Men

Team SoOLEGAL 23 Oct 2018 1:00pm

SC Imposes Rs 25,000 Fine on Lawyer for Filing PIL Seeking to Lower Marriageable age of Men

A Supreme Court bench of CJI Ranjan Gogoi and Justice SK Kaul on Monday dismissed a PIL seeking to lower marriageable age of men to 18 years, and imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on the lawyer for filing such a PIL.

The lawyer, 56-year old Asok Pandey, in his plea has challenged the provisions of the Child Marriage Restraint Act, the Special Marriage Act and the Hindu Marriage Act which deal with the minimum marriageable age for men and alleged that they are violative of various fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

The petitioner in his petition has contended that if a male could vote and join the Army at the age of 18 years, then why he couldn’t marry at that age.

However, the bench was unimpressed with Pande’s logic.

And, the CJI then asked Pandey, “What kind of PIL is this? Will the SC answer such questions?”

The CJI-led bench then dismissed the writ petition and directed the petitioner lawyer to deposit a cost of Rs 25,000 to be paid to the Supreme Court Legal Services Committee within four weeks.  

When the petitioner repeatedly pleaded for waiving off the fine, the CJI said the cost will have to be paid.

“If any 18-year-old person approaches us with such kind of a petition, then we will give him the cost deposited by you (Pande),” the bench said and further added that such a plea cannot be a matter of “public interest”. 

Tagged: Marriageable Age of Men   Marriageable Age   Lawyer Fined   Child Marriage Restraint Act   Hindu Marriage Act   Marriage Act   CJIRanjan Gogoi   Supreme Court  
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