Lawstreet Journal

Saket Court orders sealing and sanitization of court premises as a Magistrate tests positive for Covid-19 [Read Circular]

Lawstreet Journal 11 Jun 2020 2:49am

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Saket Court orders sealing and sanitization of court premises as a Magistrate tests positive for Covid-19 [Read Circular]

Saket Sessions and District Court has directed for deep sanitization and sealing of Courtroom, Ahlmad room and chamber of a duty MM who has tested positive for Covid-19.

The office was intimated that Ms. Mayuri Singh, MM (Mahila Court-1), South District, Court Room No. 208, Saket Courts Complex, Delhi tested positive for Covid-19 on 9th June.

The circular also mentioned that all the Court Officials and Advocates who attended the concerned Magistrate’s court on 3rd June are advised to quarantine themselves for 14 days as per medical advice and take all precautionary measures necessary as per the guidelines of the Government of India.

The concerned Magistrate, who tested positive for Covid-19 on 9th June, last attended the Court on 3rd June.

The order was passed by Ms. Poonam A. Bamba, District and Sessions Judge (South), Saket Court Complex, Delhi.


[Read Circular]

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