Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar issues notice to 3,500 lawyers over pending dues of 5.3 crore

Team SoOLEGAL 29 Oct 2018 12:19pm

Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar issues notice to 3,500 lawyers over pending dues of 5.3 crore

Around 27% lawyers registered with the Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association (PHHCBA) haven’t paid their dues amounting to Rs 5. 37 crore to the association for over two years now, according to a report published in Hindustan Times.

The Bar Association has reportedly issued notice to 3,500 lawyers out of 12,600 registered members, asking them to pay the dues, failing which they would lose membership.

According to Bar officials, 6,600 lawyers had not paid their dues for six months, but those lawyers were not being served notices since many opt for annual payment.

A junior lawyer needs to pay Rs 250 while senior lawyers are required to pay Rs 1,800 per month to the Bar. The Bar spends the amount collected from lawyers in providing facilities, such as library and internet, paying water and electricity charges, salaries to 225 association employees and upkeep of two Bar room halls where seats have been allotted to lawyers.

When asked about the development, PHHCBA secretary Baltej Singh Sidhu confirmed that the Bar is in the process of sending notices.

Sidhu said that such step is taken as the Bar needs to collect funds for the welfare of lawyers.

It is being done for the welfare of lawyers. We need funds to create facilities and run existing ones efficiently. Our aim is to collect funds for the welfare of lawyers,” he said.

Among the reasons for not paying the fee, executive members say is the fact that some members were enrolled to win elections but are now practising in other courts.

Some become members as those enrolled with the Bar get visa processed easily. But there are many who are enjoying all facilities without paying anything,” an official said.

In case a lawyer loses Bar membership, he will be required to leave the chamber provided at the high court. Also, the lawyer will be deprived of the other facilities offered to a registered member, including seat at the air-conditioned halls, library, etc.

Further, the lawyer’s kin also stands to lose claim on Rs 3 lakh provided by the Bar on a lawyer’s death. Although, yet to be implemented, lawyers from outside will soon need a registered lawyer to file a case in the High Court. The proposal, however, is under consideration for now.

Tagged: Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association   PHHCBA   Pending Dues   Lawyers   PHHCBA Secretary Baltej Singh Sidhu   Punjab   Haryana  
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