Lawstreet Journal

Parliament Monsoon Session: Shortest but Most Productive in 20 Years

Lawstreet Journal 27 Sep 2020 10:20pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Executive Parliament Monsoon Session: Shortest but Most Productive in 20 Years

A number of MPs were tested COVID positive despite taking protective measures and maintaining social distancing. Due to this reason, only 10 sittings were executed out of the 18 planned. 

Due to the pandemic, the monsoon session in parliament was also shortened. It was the shortest in history but the most productive in session in 20 years.

A number of important bills were passed in this session which included- The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce Bill,2020, The Taxation and Other Laws Bill,2020, The Banking Regulation Bill,2020, The Epidemic Diseases Bill,2020, The Indian Medicine Central Council Bill,2020, etc. Of these, 15 were passed in Rajya Sabha on the last two days of the session.

This time due to the pandemic, a number of unusual situations raised in the session-

  1. Both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha sat at different times of the day.
  2. Harsimat Kaur Badal resigned in protest against anti-farmer ordinances and legislations. She was of the opinion that the farm bill would leave the farmers poor and she would stand with the farmers.
  3. Despite the protest, the bill was passed and the opposition boycotted the House.
  4. Due to this protest and boycott, eight members from Rajya Sabha were suspended for a week.
  5. Question hour was removed completely due to a shortage of time.

The Monsoon season of parliament finally came to an end on Wednesday (September 23, 2020) after a large disagreement, uncertainty, and shortening of the session.

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Tagged: Parliament   lok sabha   Rajya Sabha  
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