Lawstreet Journal

"No One Including Media Should Be Above Scrutiny":News Laundry Responds to Times Group's Rs. 100 Cr. Defamation Suit

Lawstreet Journal 11 Feb 2021 9:10pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Business "No One Including Media Should Be Above Scrutiny":News Laundry Responds to Times Group's Rs. 100 Cr. Defamation Suit

A Rs 100-crore defamation suit was filed by BCCL in December, 2020 pertaining to two videos which was published by News Laundry, "Toadies Banega Tu: TV Newsance Episode 107," and "Explained: How to Rig TRPs," published in October, 2020 and December 1, 2020 respectively.

News Laundry has said in its reply, opposing BCCLs prayer for ad-interim reliefs-"It is unfortunate that an organisation like BCCL, which has had a glorious history of standing up for the press, has filed a defamation suit against a small, independently run media outlet that has consciously chosen a revenue model that allows it to work fairly without the pressure of the 'Unofficial Editorial Line' and without the fear of losing advertisement revenue.” 

News Laundry further said, "Pointing out contradictions does not amount to 'Defamation' in anyrespect, moreover, though BCCL has not stated it, their real problem with the video is that News Laundry has juxtaposed different narratives being served to the public by a single organisation".

The matter was presented for hearing before Justice AK Menon, where News Laundry was represented by senior advocate Nikhil Sakhardande and advocate Nipun Katyal, while BCCL was represented by advocate Vijay Hiremath and Swaraj Jadhav.

The suit was filed against the directors of News Laundry, Prashant Sareen and Roopak Kapoor, scriptwriter Meghnad S, producer-director Aditya Varier, assistant producer Jude Weston, editor Samrendra Dash, researcher Sughosh Joshi and Manisha Pande.

BCCL has sought directions to News Laundry to deposit Rs 100 crore and to refrain from making any further defamatory statements against the publication or… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Times Group  
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