Lawstreet Journal

Mufti’s daughter approaches SC appealing for Mother’s Detention

Lawstreet Journal 25 Sep 2020 11:18pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Mufti’s daughter approaches SC appealing for Mother’s Detention

Iltija Mufti filed a Habeas Corpus petition in the Supreme Court regarding Mehbooba’s detention. 

The daughter of Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and PDP leader Mehbooba Mufti, on 23rd of this month again approached the SC against “illegal and questionable” detention and extension of detention of her mother. 

The petition of habeas corpus was filed by Iltija Mufti questioning her mother’s detention under the Public Safety Act and about the two extensions made in May and July. 

Iltija pronounced to the top court that the reason of her mother’s detention is false and was “stale, vague and that they suffer from non- application of mind, malice in law and that they violate the provisions of sections 8(3)(b) of the PSA”. She added that her mother, an important opposition leader, had been “jailed” for over a year without recourse to trial.

“The detention order based on stale grounds have become staler even more since the petition was filed and the respondent administration has continued to act with total non-application of mind and the malice in law has only been reinforced and aggravated in confirming and extending the order of detention for further periods,” Iltija Mufti added in her petition, according to PTI.

Iltija Mufti had first filed the petition against her mother’s detention in February. The case was scheduled to be listed for March 18. She told the top court that the Jammu and Kashmir administration was yet to file its reply to the petition. “And it shows you the respect they have for courts… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Mehbooba Mufti  
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