Lawstreet Journal

"6 Vacancies And 36,600 Cases": Petitioner Moves SC Seeking Urgent Hearing of Plea for Timely and Transparent Appointments in CIC

Lawstreet Journal 21 Oct 2020 9:45pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary "6 Vacancies And 36,600 Cases": Petitioner Moves SC Seeking Urgent Hearing of Plea for Timely and Transparent Appointments in CIC

With six out of eleven posts in the Central Information Commission including that of the chief, remaining vacant, transparency activists have approached the Supreme Court seeking an urgent hearing alleging that the Central government has defied the apex court's directions on appointments in the body.

Seeking urgent hearing in the ongoing case on appointments in transparency bodies, the petition by activists Anjali Bhardwaj and others said that the Supreme Court had on December 16, 2019, ordered that four vacant posts should be filed within three months of issuance of the order.

However, the government filled the vacancy of Chief Information Commissioner and one Information Commission on March 6 this year, which the activists said that it was in violation of the court orders.

"The order of December 16, 2019, has not been complied with and the number of vacancies at the CIC has now increased to six and even the post of the Chief Information Commissioner has been vacant (once again) since August 27, 2020, frustrating the order of this court as well as citizens fundamental right to information," the petition said.

According to the petition, the Supreme Court had in February 2019 issued directions to the Centre and states to fill vacancies across Central and State Information Commissions in a transparent and timely manner. However, in November last year, the petitioners once again approached the court informing that the governments had failed to comply with the directions and that four posts of Information Commissioners in CIC were vacant.

The next month, the Department of… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Supreme Court of India  
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