Lady Police Officer wins case against CRPF in Delhi HC

Team SoOLEGAL 10 Feb 2018 3:53pm

Lady Police Officer wins case against CRPF in Delhi HC

New Delhi : The bench of Delhi HC comprising Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justice Navin Chawla have quashed a ruling of CRPF by which it had stopped promotion of a lady officer on the grounds of pregnancy. The court observed that pregnancy discrimination is abhorrent and cannot be accepted as it violates the principle of equality and discriminates on the ground of gender.

The observations were made in the case filed by Assistant Sub-Inspector Sharmila Yadav. In 2009, she had joined at the rank of Constable, subsequently she appeared for departmental exam and cleared examination for ASI. But in the list released in the year 2011, her name was missing as she was put in the lower medical category.

She protested against this and made representations to different authorities in CRPF. She said she suffered because of this as those junior to her became her seniors. The CRPF Council said she could not be promoted in 2011-12 as she was not in good medical shape and subsequently in 2012-13 she was promoted to the rank of ASI, but she cannot claim seniority over others. The court has rejected these arguments and asked the CRPF to give all the benefits due to her.

Source: Mail Today

Tagged: Delhi High Court   CRPF  
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