Lawstreet Journal

Ban Imposed On Comedian Kunal Kamra Not Illegal, Clarifies DGCA

Lawstreet Journal 31 Jan 2020 6:31pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Executive Ban Imposed On Comedian Kunal Kamra Not Illegal, Clarifies DGCA

After questions were raised on the ban imposed on comedian Kunal Kamra, by four major domestic airlines, including IndiGo, Air India, Go Air and Spice jet, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in a statement on Wednesday (January 29, 2020) said, "This is to reiterate that the action taken by the airlines is in complete consonance with Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) Section-3, Series M Part VI on handling of unruly passengers."  It further added, "Now the matter is to be referred to the internal committee as prescribed in para 6.1 of the said CAR (Civil Aviation Requirements). Further, as per para 6.4 of the CAR, the internal committee is to give the final decision in 30 days by giving the reasons in writing, which shall be binding on the airline concerned. Punishment for different type of unruly behaviour is also prescribed in the same CAR and the internal committee has to adhere to the same."

After Kunal Kamra, a Mumbai based comedian tweeted a video, where he is seen confronting Republic TV journalist Arnab Goswami, asking him whether he is a “coward or a journalist”, throughout the 1.51 minute video Arnab doesn’t respond to any of Karma’s questions. The airlines was quick to take an action and barred Kamra from flying with them for a period of 6 months. The Minister of State for Civil Aviation Hardeep Singh Puri, also tweeted about the incident and advised other airlines to take same measures. Following which Air India, Spice jet… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Kunal Kamra  
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