Lawstreet Journal

Kerala Government makes it compulsory for citizens to follow Covid-19 norms until 2021

Lawstreet Journal 6 Jul 2020 10:44pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Executive Kerala Government makes it compulsory for citizens to follow Covid-19 norms until 2021

In a bid to control the spread of the novel Coronavirus, which originated in China's Wuhan, the Kerala government on Sunday issued a notification extending the enforcement of the COVID-19 regulations till July 2021.

The Kerala government made it mandatory for the public to adhere to Covid-19 safety guidelines such as wearing masks for the next one year, as part of its measures to tackle the spread of the virus in the state.

Through an amendment brought to the Epidemic Diseases Act, the state government said the regulations for the public will remain in effect until July 2021. The norms have been issued under ''Kerala Epidemic Disease Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Additional Regulations, 2020.''

"All persons shall maintain a social distance of six feet between person to person in all public places and functions... In all wedding ceremonies and functions thereafter the maximum number of participants at a time shall not exceed 50 people," it read. 

The guidelines state that no manner of social gathering including get together, processions, dharna, congregation, demonstration, etc. will be allowed in the state without the written permission of the concerned authority while adding that the maximum participants in such social gathering should be ten persons with people required to follow social distancing norms at all times. 

The Kerala government further said that a minimum of six feet distance will have to be maintained in all public places and functions. It will also be compulsory of the people to wear face masks at public places and workplaces, the Kerala government… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Corona Updates  
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