Justice Ushir Pandit Appointed As New York SC Judge (Ahmedabad Born)

Team SoOLEGAL 14 Jan 2019 4:36pm

Justice Ushir Pandit Appointed As New York SC Judge (Ahmedabad Born)

Justice Ushir Pandit-Durant spent her childhood growing up within Ahmedabad. Last month, Ushir took her oath of office as a SC judge in the state of New York. 

Justice Pandit immigrated to the US with her family in the 1970s. At that, she was 11 years old. Turning 57 next month, Gujarati lady Ushir will now preside over criminal cases in Queens County. Her induction ceremony was also a first of sorts, as she took her oath on the Bhagavad Gita. 

As an Indian her first challenge was to learn English, she was not taught English in her Ahmedabad public school. But she was fast enough to pick up the American culture and establish herself in the community and school. 

Subsequently, after attending St John's University for four years, she spent three years at New York Law School.


"As a prosecutor, she tried numerous felony cases. In one notable case, she stated that during a gang shooting, an innocent child was shot by one of the gunmen. The child survived, and the gunmen were arrested." The lead prosecutor Justice Pandit-Durant brought the case to trial and the gunmen were convicted of attempted murder. (Recommended By Colombia)


The appeals division of the district attorney's office was advanced by her. The division argues cases in the HC’s. The case confronted legal challenges in attempts to overturn lower court decisions. She as an appellate advocate successfully represented the district attorney on more than 30 appellate arguments in the higher state and federal appellate courts.


Later on it was observed that she left the district attorney's office in 2015 when she was elected as a civil court judge. She presided over criminal court cases pending in Manhattan and then Queens.


As seen her term in the civil court was 10 years and after getting elected to the New York State SC, her term is 14 years now.



Tagged: JUstice ushir pandit   new york   judges   sc   queens   ahmedabad   gujrati   us   SC Judges   Gujarati lady Ushir   New York Law School   St John's University  
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