Jamiat Ulema moves SC, stating the media communalized the Nizamuddin Markaz issue by fake reporting

Team SoOLEGAL 8 Apr 2020 4:45pm

Jamiat Ulema moves SC, stating the media communalized the Nizamuddin Markaz issue by fake reporting

Jamiat Ulema-e-Hindhas filed a petition through Advocate Ejaz Maqbool in the Supreme Court seeking action against the media which communalized the case of Nizamuddin Markaz. In the petition, he submits that parts of the print and electronic media "demonized the entire Muslim Community" resulting in a serious threat to the life and freedom of Muslims in the country, which in turn is violation of the provisions under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.

"It is submitted that such reporting has triggered communal antagonism and has also perpetrated hatred, resulting in fissiparous tendencies gaining a foothold, undermining and affecting communal harmony”, the plea stated.

In Delhi,on March 30th, area of Nizamuddin was sealed as an event was organised by a Muslim religious organisation known as Tablighi Jamaat which was attended by hundreds of people who were later found to be infected with the Novel Coronavirus. Of the country's more than 4,000 cases of Covid-19, at least 1,445 have been identified to be in relation with the Delhi congregation of Tablighi Jamaat, the Union Health Ministry said on Monday.

Further argument has been made that by resorting to such "dog whistle tactics" against Muslims, the media has breached all standards of journalistic behaviour. Additionally, this coverage is in direct breach of Rule 6of the 1994 Cable Television Networks Guidelines, which forbids any show to be telecasted on cable service that includes assaults on religions or cultures, or images or words that are contemptuous of religious groups, or that encourage communal attitudes.

The petitioner contended that the apex court should issue directions to prevent certain parts of the media and electronic media from communalizing the Nizamuddin Markaz issue. It is further urged that the media should act with due care and diligence, be cautious against giving any specific angle to the incident at Nizamuddinn Markaz and that strict action against deviations must be taken.


Tagged: Jamiat Ulema   Nizamuddin Markaz   fake reporting   Advocate Ejaz Maqbool   Article 21   Indian Constitution   Tablighi Jamaat   Covid-19   Union Health Ministry  
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