I Pledge To Cut Pendency If You Assure Me Zero Adjournment: CJI to Lawyers

Team SoOLEGAL 27 Nov 2017 2:13pm

I Pledge To Cut Pendency If You Assure Me Zero Adjournment: CJI to Lawyers

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) on Sunday hosted an event in commemoration of the 68th Constitution day. Speaking at the event in New Delhi Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra appealed to lawyers not to seek unnecessary adjournments causing delay in disposal of cases. He said that that judiciary was making all out effort to ensure speedy justice with High Courts working on weekends to adjudicate old cases on priority basis.

Addressing lawyers in Supreme Court lawns on Constitution Day celebration, the Chief Justice said that pendency had gone down during the last two and half months since he took over the rein of judiciary and sought cooperation from advocates to "tame the tiger" of pendency.

"You assure me that lawyers would not take adjournments and I assure you that that pendency would drastically reduce. Let's promise each other and we would march together to deal with the problem. Pendency in the apex court has reduced by 3,000 in the last two months and 25 days and HCs have also disposed off 1,100 cases while taking up cases on Saturday in the last two months," he said.

Attorney General KK Venugopal said that more judges needed to be appointed to deal with huge pendency of cases as number of judges per million population was the lowest in the country which was the root cause of delay. [News Source TOI]

Tagged: Supreme Court Bar Association   Chief Justice   Judges   High Courts  
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