Lawstreet Journal

File Affidavit on Compliance of Your Own Guidelines Issued For Proper Disposal Of Bodies Of COVID-19 Victims: Delhi HC To Delhi Government [READ ORDER]

Lawstreet Journal 5 Jun 2020 3:43pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary File Affidavit on Compliance of Your Own Guidelines Issued For Proper Disposal Of Bodies Of COVID-19 Victims: Delhi HC To Delhi Government [READ ORDER]

A Division Bench of Chief Justice Dhirubhai Naranbhai Patel and Justice Prateek Jalan of the Delhi High Court has on June 03, 2020, in suo motu case asked the respondent State and all three Municipal Corporations of Delhi the reason for slow disposal of dead bodies and directed them to file further status report/affidavit, also stating whether the guidelines/directions issued by Government of NCT of Delhi dated May 30, 2020, were scrupulously being followed.


Background of the proceedings

On May 28, 2020, a Division Bench of Justices Rajiv Sahai Endlaw and Asha Menon of the Delhi Court had taken suo moto cognizance of the news item reported in several newspapers in their Delhi Edition. The Bench had observed that as a citizen of Delhi, their lordships were pained by the state of affairs.  

It was reported that inside the COVID-19 Mortuary of Lok Nayak Hospital in Delhi, there were 108 bodies; as all 80 storage racks were full and the rest of the 28 bodies were on the floor, piled on top of each other. Reportedly Lok Nayak Hospital is the largest dedicated COVID – 19 hospital in the city and its mortuary is the repository of bodies of those who had died of the coronavirus disease or were suspected to have died of it.

On May 26, 2020, eight bodies were returned from Nigam Bodh Ghat, CNG Crematorium because the facility was not in a position to accept more bodies, as only two of the six furnaces were working. It was also reported… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Corona Updates  
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