Lawstreet Journal

Govt. employee accused of ‘Waging War against India By converting people to Islam’ denied Bail by Allahabad High Court

Lawstreet Journal 6 Apr 2022 1:30am

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Govt. employee accused of ‘Waging War against India By converting people to Islam’ denied Bail by Allahabad High Court

The refusal of bail orders of a Central Government employee, Irfan Shaikh accused of waging war against India by converting people to Islam by misusing his official position were upheld by the Allahabad High Court.

The earlier Orders of the Special Judge, N.I.A./A.T.S./Additional District & Sessions Judge, delivered in October 2021, in Lucknow, denying bail to Shaikh were reinstalled by the Bench of Justice Ramesh Sinha and Justice Brij Raj Singh

"Considering the facts and circumstances of the case, particularly the fact that the Investigating Officer, after due investigation, has found cogent and clinching evidence against the appellant that with the connivance of co-accused Umar Gautam and others, appellant is involved in anti-national activities of conversation by misusing his official position while working in Sign Language Training and Research Centre, New Delhi as Interpreter, we do not find any good ground to grant bail to the appellant".

In the instant case against Shaikh, the UP police A.T.S. pursued few leads which revealed that some anti-national/anti-social elements and religious organizations, upon the directions of ISI and foreign organizations, have indulged in getting these conversions done. The people who agreed to these conversions received funds from foreign countries. 

Following these leads and upon further interrogation, an FIR was registered regarding this alleged illegal conversion racket wherein, one Umar Gautam’s name got highlighted. 

In the investigation, it was found that Gautam had created a gang for the aforesaid aim and object, and Irfan Shaikh (appellant), who was working as an Interpreter in… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Allahabad High Court  
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