Team SoOLEGAL 6 Sep 2019 10:14am



Four legendary law professors of India have been appointed as faculty members of Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University.
The four doyens of Indian legal education who will be joining Jindal Global Law School as faculty members are: Professor (Dr.) Upendra Baxi, Professor (Dr.) Mahendra Pal Singh, Professor (Dr.) B.S. Chimni and Professor B.B. Pande. They would be joining JGU from the spring semester, 2020 and will be teaching courses starting February 2020.

Their designations at JGU are as follows:

Professor (Dr.) Upendra Baxi
Research Professor of Law 
Distinguished Scholar in Public Law & Jurisprudence
Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University 

Professor (Dr.) Mahendra Pal Singh 
Research Professor of Law
Distinguished Scholar in Public Law & Comparative Law, Director, Centre for Comparative Law & Chairman, Law School Doctoral Committee 
Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University

Professor B.B. Pande
Research Professor of Law
Distinguished Scholar in Criminal Law & Criminal Justice
Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University
Professor (Dr.) B.S. Chimni 
Distinguished Professor of International Law
Member, Law School Doctoral Committee
Jindal Global Law School,O.P. Jindal Global University

Prof Upendra Baxi     Prof MP Singh               Prof BB Pande     Prof BS Chimni

Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar,Founding Vice Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Global University and Dean of Jindal Global Law School observed, “It is a great honor for JGU and JGLS that on the 10th anniversary of our founding, these four inspiring teachers and prolific researchers who represent the best of Indian legal education have accepted to be faculty members at Jindal. They are outstanding professors of law and have mentored generations of lawyers, law professors, judges and many other individuals who have shaped the law and justice systems in India and around the world for nearly half a century. It is a proud moment for JGU that they have decided to spend the important years of their life and their future dedicating to the cause of higher education and legal education mentoring the students and faculty of JGU.”

Professor Upendra Baxi, former Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi & Professor Emeritus, University of Warwick observed: “It seems like yesterday that we launched the Jindal Global Law School. But it was ten years ago when I said that a new era in legal education in India was beginning and it will be known as Naveen–Raj epoch. That prophecy is happily proved correct.Since that event, eight other faculties have been created, many centres of high quality research have been established, many laurels won by colleagues and the class, and a different glass ceiling has been broken by JGU being recognized as an ‘institution of eminence’ and achieved many a breakthroughs in the world education ranking systems.For the rapid expansion to a full-blooded university, its incredible faculty and students, its Indian and overseas placements, and global ranking, the one person primarily responsible is Professor C. Raj Kumar. Far from just being an island of excellence, he has given a new meaning, in such a short time, to educational process and change in India. It is difficult to believe that such a miracle has happened, but it has. No amount of the stress and strain of routinization can now interrupt this incredible and worldwide charisma that JGU has acquired as its symbolic capital.For a decade now, I have been a proud witness of this miracle and among those who helped along its academic growth.”

Professor M.P. Singh, former Vice Chancellor, National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata& former Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi at his decision to join JGU as a full time faculty member said, “The essence and processes of law and legal systems around the globe are immensely interesting and challenging requiring lifetime commitment even to grasp a tiny element of it. Having engaged in this exercise in different institutions in the East and the West let it have its final destination at O.P. Jindal Global University and Jindal Global Law School, founded and led by one of our most illustrious former student Professor Dr. Raj Kumar. I am indeed looking forward to working with many outstanding faculty members from India and around the world who have made Jindal their home. I am looking forward to be part of JGU in the next few months. Hope it will be my final and best destination in my long journey in academics.”  

Professor B.B. Pande, former Professor-in-Charge, Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi observed, “Law is a complex as well as a dynamic phenomenon. Its complexity lies primarily in the multiple factors that go into its making, interpretation and enforcement, all of which are influenced by the ideology, thinking and attitudes of those responsible for the law in action. The dynamic element of the law in a product of everyday construction and de-construction of the law in the court-rooms and in the class-rooms, as well as police stations and prisons. The dynamism of law in-turn influenced by the perceptions of the one who is exposed to the law- the teacher or the learner. As a teacher of Criminal Laws my perceptions about the law have undergone significant changes over the period of the six decades. I deem it a privilege that I will have the opportunity of pursue some of these enquiries in my forthcoming assignment with the Jindal Global University early next year. It has been possible because of the dynamic Vice Chancellor Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar’s vision to expose the young and inquisitive students of Jindal Global Law School to the generational understanding and changing perceptive of the ‘power’ of the law, coming straight from the experiences of the one who has faced the change himself. Hope this inter-face provides new insights to the understanding of the theory and action relating to the rule of the law in the coming new India.”

Short Bios:

Professor Upendra Baxi, born at Rajkot, Saurashtra, Professor of Law in Development, University of Warwick (1996-2008), graduated from Rajkot (Gujarat University), and holds LLM degrees from University of Bombay and University of California at Berkeley, which also awarded him with a Doctorate in Juristic Sciences (1973). He began his law teaching career at the Department of International Law and Jurisprudence at Sydney Law School, and served as Professor of Law, University of Delhi (1973-1996.) He also served as the Vice Chancellor of Delhi University (1990-1994), as well as the Vice Chancellor, University of South Gujarat, Surat (1982-1985), and as the Honorary Director (Research) at the Indian Law Institute (1885-1988), the President of the Indian Society of International Law (1992-1995.). He is Professor Emeritus at University of Warwick (since 2009.), Professor Emeritus, University of Delhi (2010). Professor Baxi has taught various courses in law and science, comparative constitutionalism, legal theory, and comparative social theory of human rights at the Universities of Sydney, Duke University, Washington College of Law, The American University; Global Law Program New York University Law School, and at the University of Toronto.Baxi has been a member of the editorial committee of many leading Indian and international law journals/reviews. 

His leading publications (besides more than 250 articles in learned journals and edited books) include: The Indian Supreme Court and Politics (1980); The Crisis of the Indian Legal System (1982); Courage, Craft and Contention: The Indian Supreme Court in Mid-Eighties (1985); Towards a Sociology of Indian Law (1986); Liberty and Corruption: The Antualy Case and Beyond (1990); Marx, Law, and Justice: Indian Perspectives (1993); Inhuman Wrongs and Human Rights (1994); Mambrino’s Helmet?: Human Rights for a Changing World (1994) Mass Torts, Multinational Enterprise Liability and Private International Law (2000); The Future of Human Rights (2008, 3rd edition) and Human Rights in a Posthuman World: Critical Essays (2007.) As Tagore Law Professor, the University of Calcutta, Baxi recently delivered (August, 2009) Tagore Law Lectures entitled Aspects of Justice: A Tale of Three Cities (forthcoming, 2012.)
In 2011, he was awarded the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award in India, by the Government of India.

Prof. (Dr.) Mahendra Pal Singh holds a LL.D. from the University of Lucknow, LL.M. from Columbia Law School and a LL.M. from the University of Lucknow and BA, LL.B. from Agra University. Professor Singh is currently Chair Professor, Centre for Comparative Law, NLU, Delhi.  Till recently, Professor Singh was Chancellor, Central University of Haryana and visiting professor at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg. Before that he was the Chairperson of Delhi Judicial Academy, New Delhi.  Earlier, he was the Vice Chancellor, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata and before that he taught at the University of Delhi where he was also Head and Dean Faculty of Law. He has been a fellow and visiting professor at several institutions and universities of international repute.
He has delivered prestigious endowment and other lectures at several universities and academic institutions in India and abroad. He was Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the University of Heidelberg, a visiting Professor and Head of Law Division at the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg and a visiting Professor at University of Heidelberg, University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Kansai University, Osaka, National University of Singapore and at Jawaharlal Nehru University. He was a fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg. the Institute for Advanced Studies Berlin and at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
His publications include over one hundred papers in national and international legal journals and edited works and ten books including German administrative law in common law perspective, Freedom of trade and commerce in India, Comparative constitutional law, Shukla’s Constitution of India, Legal dimensions of market economy and Human Rights and Basic Needs.  He has also been working on and collaborating in national and international research projects. Comparative public law including especially constitutional law, administrative law, human rights and legal systems are his major interests.

Prof. B.B. Pande completed his B. Sc., LL.B. and LL.M. from University of Lucknow. His areas of interest are: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Evidence Law, Criminology, Tort Law, Juvenile Delinquency, Correctional Administration Law, Human Rights Law and Jurisprudence. For the past three decades he has developed special interest and expertise in Clinical Legal Education, which involves teaching diverse Law Courses through Clinical Method. Of course, as he proudly says, ‘this is an offshoot of my basic commitment and interest in the idea of legal aid’. The Legal Service Project at the Beggars’ Court and the Pilot Project for Law Students’ Voluntary Prison Services, culminating in the monograph ‘Joy of First Release’, are the best testimony to the success of this method.
He has worked with institutes of national/international repute in various capacities such as Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Jabalpur, Jabalpur (1962-70); Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Dar- es- Salaam, Tanzania, (Africa) (1981-83); Professor of Law, Lucknow University (1991-1994); Visiting Professor, School of Law, City University, Hong Kong, (Sept-Dec. 2005); Professor of Law, Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi (India), till superannuation in 2005 and Human Rights Chair Professorship of the National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi (2007-2008). He has several academic distinctions to his name including 107 publications in national/international journals, books; 124 papers in national, international Conferences, Seminars, Workshop.
He has also been awarded several fellowships by institutions of international repute including: the National University of Singapore; the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, the Institute of Advanced Studies, Berlin (Germany); the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran; the Harvard Law School, Mass. (USA); the Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu (Nepal); the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Friedberg Im. Br. (Germany); the University of Ghent (Belgium); and the University of Warwick (England).
He has also performed several administrative responsibilities including; Consultant (Research) National Human Rights Commission of India, New Delhi (2005-2007); Dean and the Head of the Department of Law, Lucknow University, (1993-94); Professor In-Charge, Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi (1994-97); Coordinator, NCT of Delhi Task Force for the National University of Juridical Sciences Project on Criminal Justice Administration (2001-2002); Director, Pilot Project on Law Student's Voluntary Prison Services, A project approved and supported by the NHRC, New Delhi (1999-2001); Member Executive Committee, Centre for Environmental Law, World Wide Fund for Nature, India (2001-2002); Honorary Director, Diploma Course on Environmental Law conducted by the Centre for Environmental Law, World Wide Fund for Nature, India (1997-98); Director, National Workshop on Rights of the Child - Realities of Justice in U.P., organised by the Faculty of Law, Lucknow University, in collaboration with the UNICEF (Lucknow) (Jan-1994) and Director, Legal Services Programme, Faculty of Law, Delhi University (1995-97) and (2001-3).
He also has held several distinguished memberships including: President, Indian Society of Criminology (ISC), University of Madras, Chennai; Member of the Executive Council, The National Law University, Delhi; Member of the Academic Council, the National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata and the National Law University Institute, Bhopal; Chairman, Committee for Drafting Model Rules for the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) rules, 2007, constituted by the Min. of Women & Child Development, Govt. of India (2007); Member, National Advisory Committee on Prison Reforms, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, B.P.R.&D. order July 2001 and 2005; Nominated as member as Delhi State Legal Services Authority (2001); Member, Working Group on Reforming Social Deviants and Caring for other Disadvantaged, Planning Commission, Government of India, (Dec-2000); Member, All India Prison Manual Committee, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, B.P.R.&D., (Nov-2000); Expert Member, Core Group to propose amendments to the Juvenile Justice Act, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India (1999); Member, Working Group to Review the Probation Services in the Country, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India (1998); Co-Chairman, session on Effective Trials of Organised Crimes, organised by the UNAFE Institute (United Nations Asia and Far East Institute) in collaboration with the NICFS, Ministry of Home Affairs (December 14-16, 1998); Technical advisor to the Third Working Group of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (Asia Chapter), on Guidelines for Environmental Protection through Criminal Law (December 7-9, 1998); Member of the Executive Committee of the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi and elected member of the Governing Council of the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi (1997-2001); Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of the Sociology of Law, Academic Press (London), (1983 to present day); Member of the Board of Directors for the Research Committee for Sociology of Deviance and Social Control of the International Sociological Association (1990-94); Member, Executive Committee, Indian Association of Social Science Institutions (1989-91); Conferred membership of the International Sociological Association (1991-94); Chief-Editor, Eastern Africa Law Review, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (1981-82); Member, Editorial Board, Delhi Law Review, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi (1985).

Professor (Dr.) B.S. Chimni retired in 2017 as Professor of International Law, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He served as Vice Chancellor of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata (2004-2006). He has been a Visiting Professor at the International Center for Comparative Law and Politics, Tokyo University, a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School, Visiting Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, and a Visiting Scholar at the Refugee Studies Centre, York University, Canada.Professor Chimni served as a member of the Academic Advisory Committee of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. He is on the editorial board of several national and international journals like Indian Journal of International Law, International Studies, International Refugee Studies, Georgetown Immigration Law Journal & Refugee Survey Quarterly. 

He is an associate member of Institut de Droit International, and a Member of the Academic Council of the Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School. He sits on the editorial board of several international journals including the American Journal of International Law. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Indian Journal of International Law. He is associated with the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), a network that articulates a critique of contemporary international law and institutions from the perspective of the Global South. His areas of research interest include international legal theory, international economic law, and international refugee law. His most recent publications include the second edition of his book International Law and World Order: A Critique of Contemporary Approaches (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and a co-edited book (with Siddharth Mallavarapu) International Relations: Essays for the Global South (Pearson, 2012).

His major publications include, International Law and World Order: A Critique of Contemporary Approaches (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017) 2nd edition; Chimni B.S. and Malvarappu, Siddharth eds., International Relations: Essays for the Global South (New Delhi: Pearson 2012); “International Institutions Today: An Imperial Global State in the Making”, European Journal of International Law, vol.15, (2004), pp.1-39; “The Self, Modern Civilization and International Law: Learning from Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj”, European Journal of International Law, vol.23, No. 4 (2012) pp. 1159-1173; "The Geopolitics of Refugee Studies: A View from the South", Journal of Refugee Studies vol.11, No.4 (1998) pp.350-374.

Tagged: Jindal Global Law School   O.P. Jindal Global University  
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