Lawstreet Journal

No Illegality In Senior Lawyer Filing Joint Vakalat Along With Junior Counsel For Client : Kerala High Court

Lawstreet Journal 30 Mar 2022 1:19am

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary No Illegality In Senior Lawyer Filing Joint Vakalat Along With Junior Counsel For Client : Kerala High Court

The Kerala High Court on 29th March 2022 ruled that once a client authorises an advocate to conduct a case, the advocate is empowered to file a joint vakalat on behalf of them. 

Justice N. Nagaresh added that filing a joint vakalat is not a ground to deny any lawyer his professional fee.

"The said authorisation would include authorisation to do all that is necessary to conduct and prosecute the case, including filing joint Vakalat along with junior lawyer in the office of the senior lawyer

Any senior lawyer having briefs of various clients cannot effectively prosecute or defend cases without the assistance of junior or other lawyers. When a client authorises an Advocate to conduct or prosecute a case, the authority given is to conduct/prosecute the case effectively and the Advocate is empowered to file joint Vakalat for and on behalf of the client. There is no illegality in filing a joint Vakalat... The respondent cannot deny fees if any due to the petitioner on that ground."

The plea was moved by a practising advocate seeking a direction to the Airport Director, Airport Authority of India (AAI) to pay him his professional fees amounting to ₹3,37,514/- as certified by the Sub Court, within a time frame.

The petitioner appeared for AAI before the Sub Court and the suit was decreed in June 2015. However, when he sent a bill of professional charges, he was allegedly informed that it can be settled after realisation of the money through Execution Proceedings.

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