Lawstreet Journal

The Delhi High Court Refuses To Quash An FIR Against A Canadian Citizen Who Had 50 Live Cartridges In His Flight Luggage”.

Lawstreet Journal 28 Mar 2022 10:56pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary The Delhi High Court Refuses To Quash An FIR Against  A Canadian Citizen Who Had 50 Live Cartridges In His Flight Luggage”.

The Delhi High Court has refused to quash an FIR registered against a Canadian citizen whose flight check-in baggage was found with 50 live cartridges. The Court observed that prima facie, there was commission ofoffence under the Arms Act, 1959. 

Justice Subramaniom Prasad dismissed a petition filed seeking quashing of an FIR registered under sec. 25 of the Arms Act[1]. The petitioner being a Canadian citizen, held an Overseas Citizen of India card.

“ The instant writ petition filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India read with Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 seeks quashing of FIR No. 46/2021 dated 10.02.2021, for an offence under Section 25 of the Arms Act, 1959”.



The petitioner, is a Canadian citizen, who also holds an Overseas Citizen of India card. He arrived in Delhi from Canada on February 9 ,2021 and was supposed to catch a connecting flight from New Delhi to Amritsar on February 10 , 2021. 

It is stated that during the check-in at the Indra Gandhi Airport, New Delhi, the baggage of the petitioner was found with 50 live cartridges of .22 mm calibres. Thereafter, the petitioner was asked to produce a valid licence for the said ammunition, and he was unable to produce the same.On the said complaint, the instant FIR was registered , for an offence under Section 25 of the Arms Act, 1959 . 

 It is stated that the petitioner holds a valid arms licence in Canada.… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Delhi High Court  
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