Lawstreet Journal

Delhi High Court Restrains Rogue Website From Using Hindustan Times Media Limited’s Domain Name

Lawstreet Journal 28 May 2022 8:17pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Delhi High Court Restrains Rogue Website From Using Hindustan Times Media Limited’s Domain Name

On Friday, the Delhi High Court granted an ex-parte ad interim injunction in favour of HT Media Limited, which publishes news in multiple languages under the registered trademark Hindustan Times, against a rogue website with a domain name that is deceptively similar. (Ht Media Limited & Anr. v. & Anr.)

The Hon'ble Justice Pratibha M. Singh issued an ex parte ad interim injunction in favour of HT Media, prohibiting the use of, which consists of the word "Hindustan Times." It also prohibited the website from publishing any content, such as articles, stories, columns, reviews, etc., because doing so would violate HT Media's copyright.

Examining the printouts of the website, the court found that several news items on the website were targeted at Indian and even Delhi-based internet users.

The Court said that,

"There is no doubt in the mind of the Court that Defendant No.1 intends to encash the goodwill of the Plaintiffs in the mark/name 'Hindustan Times' and also promote its website to the Indian audience."

The also said that,

"The mark 'Hindustan Times' is the registered trademark of the Plaintiffs. The Plaintiffs commands a global viewership and the reputation of one of India's oldest newspapers. The manner in which the mark/name 'Hindustan Times' has been completely misappropriated leaves no manner of doubt in the mind of the Court that Defendant No.1 intends to misuse the said mark as also the content which is published by the Plaintiffs on their website."

According to the plaintiff,… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Delhi High Court   Hindustan Times Media Limited   Hindustan Times   Hon'ble Justice Pratibha M. Singh   Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology   Department of Telecommunications  
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