Lawstreet Journal

Delhi Air Pollution: Supreme Court Hearing

Lawstreet Journal 10 Dec 2021 6:26pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Delhi Air Pollution: Supreme Court Hearing

Vikas Singh : things have gotten better. Crucial period is over. These two aspects will require proper hearing - stubble burning and standards for Delhi.

CJI : Mr. SG what to do? Mr. Singh says there is an improvement.

SG : we don't know whether Mr. Vikas Singh is saying improvement is for Aditya Dubey or the builders association?

CJI: we are not going to take any call for the relaxation. Let the state governments take a call as per the situation there.
We don't entertain any of these applications. The commission in consultation with state govt may take the call.

CJI: for other issues concerned, we will have to fix norms and long term measures. Wrt paper mills, sugar mills, construction industry people, schools will be looked into by the commission. We direct the commission. We allow the commission as a party in the instant matter.

Pinaki Misra: commission may give us a hearing if you deem fit. The commission must be aided and advised by us. What's the difficulty?
Just an observation from the court, if necessary then they can hear.

CJI : problem is that if all builders make a representation, then it will be very lengthy. And unending

Let some representative body take a call and file a representation

Mr. Sundaram : let the commission decide within one week.

CS vaidyanathan : appearing for body of builders in Delhi. Kindly allow us.

CJI : give us two days time.

Order : All applications have to be examined by the commission. We direct the commission to examine the request of… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Delhi Air Pollution  
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