Lawstreet Journal

CAA Protests: Supreme Court Rebukes Delhi Police; Next Hearing On 23 March Since Timing ‘Unconducive’ To Hear Matter

Lawstreet Journal 26 Feb 2020 7:32pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary CAA Protests: Supreme Court Rebukes Delhi Police; Next Hearing On 23 March Since Timing ‘Unconducive’ To Hear Matter

New Delhi: The Supreme Court today (Feb 26, 2020) heard the petition for the removal of protestors from Shaheen Bagh at 12:30 pm. The apex court pulled up Delhi police for not being able to handle the violence in northeast Delhi.

Let this fandom cool down. The timing is not conducive to hear this matter. It is for law enforcing administration to ensure environment is conducive,” a Bench comprising Justices SK Kaul and KM Joseph said.

Justice Kaul says “we will see what to do when the hearing comes up” said Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul while hearing a case completely unrelated to what is happening tells the lawyer in the casethe problem is, today no one wants to take responsibility for anything”. Justice Kaul and his brother judge JusticeKM Joseph then softly smile at each other Justice Kaul however clarifies - Though unfortunate, we will not expand the scope of the hearing. The question before us is whether or not the protest can be allowed to carry out in public places. We will not get into whatever has happened after that”.

The Supreme Court says it will confine itself to road blockade at Shaheen Bagh. All other applications and petitions on violence in other parts of Delhi disposed of. SC says the Shaheen Bagh hearing should be adjourned as the “environment is not conducive for the hearing to take place right now”. JusticeKM Joseph says-"The moment an inflammatory remark is made, police should take action. Not just Delhi, any state for that matter. 13… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Shaheen Bagh  
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