Lawstreet Journal

ASG Aishwarya Bhati on behalf of State of UP mentions a matter before SC Bench headed by CJI Ramana

Lawstreet Journal 12 Nov 2021 7:40pm

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary ASG Aishwarya Bhati on behalf of State of UP mentions a matter before SC Bench headed by CJI Ramana

ASG Aishwarya Bhati on behalf of State Of UP mentions a matter before SupremeCourt Bench headed by CJI Ramana:

ASG: SLP is against impugned order of 1st Nov. High Court has issued bailable warrants against officers of State & returnable on Monday.

ASG appearing for State of UP: Regularisation order has been passed but 4 yrs of arrears of salary when he didn’t work is issue.

CJI to ASG appearing for State of UP: You have to challenge it, if you don’t implement order naturally Court is entitled to pass order Now because of contempt case you are challenging. Otherwise you don’t bother to implement.

ASG: Interim order have come in writ petition

CJI: Why contempt came? Because you haven’t implemented orders of writ petition.

ASG: There’s no contempt. Pls list tomorrow

CJI: okay post tomorrow let us see.

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Tagged: Supreme Court of India  
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