Apex Court’s Timeframe For Appointments in Lower Court Judges Not Being Followed

Team SoOLEGAL 5 Dec 2017 11:15am

Apex Court’s Timeframe For Appointments in Lower Court Judges Not Being Followed

A recent study conducted by New Delhi-based Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy has suggested that the recruitment process of lower Court Judges is not happening in a regular and timely manner in a number of states.

 The Supreme Court recently said that judicial and legal services are missions for serving society and the mission is not achieved if the litigant has to wait in queue for a long time. Recognising that vacancies in the lower judiciary are an important reason for such long waits, it laid out timeframes for recruitments to these posts. Now, a study by Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy has found that the Supreme Court timeframe is not followed in majority of cases. The study also found that 2.5 crore cases are pending across the states as nearly 23 per cent of posts in the lower judiciary, the first contact for a majority of litigants, remain vacant.

The average recruitment cycle, calculated for 18 states over 10 years, is 326.7 days for a three-tier recruitment process of civil judges (junior division). This is much longer than the SC-prescribed limit of 273 days.

States that follow a two-tier recruitment system take 196.3 days on average to complete one cycle to appoint district judges. Amongst states that follow a three-tier system, a complete recruitment cycle takes on average 335.9 days. Both figures exceed the SC-prescribed limit of 153 days and 273 days, respectively.  [Source: TOI] 

Tagged: Supreme Court   Judges   Civil Judges   Lower Courts   Legal Services     
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