Lawstreet Journal

Alternative Guidelines Approved By BCI, Therefore Can Be Implemented: Karnataka HC

Lawstreet Journal 5 Sep 2020 12:05am

Image courtesy: Lawstreet Journal Judiciary Alternative Guidelines Approved By BCI, Therefore Can Be Implemented:  Karnataka HC

On 9th June, the Bar Council of India (BCI) issued a circular stating that with regard to final year LL. B students, universities were at liberty to adopt any other appropriate methods to satisfy the requirements of regular examination. This relaxation was given to universities owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ULC Bangalore came up with an alternative guideline which included: -

a) With regard to the requirement under Paper 24 (b): Observance of Trial in two cases, one Civil and one Criminal

That in lieu of physical observance of criminal/civil proceedings, the assessment shall be done on the basis of review based/secondary data-based assignments i.e. One on the city and another on the criminal cases which are written by hand by the students and submitted to the course teacher for assessment in person or send through the post, courier or scanned and emailed for 30 marks.

b) With regards to requirements in Paper 24 (c): Interviewing techniques and Pre-trial preparations and Internship diary

The student will have to submit two assignments explaining the experience gained during an internship in the previous years of their LLB course which are written by hand by the students and submitted to the course teacher for assessment, either in person or sent through the post, courier or scanned and emailed for 30 marks (Each carrying 15 marks).

C) The final year LLB students, viva-voce examinations may be conducted online keeping a record of the whole Viva Voce examination. The test also may be conducted online or in lieu of the… Continue Reading...

Tagged: Karnataka high court   Bar Council of India  
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