Ahmadabad municipality corporation they are taking money for plastic bags n water bags. Who they are to taking money without knowing section. They are not able to take plastic bags as well so important thinks as well money as they charge. Business man rights to know all palanty receipts and they are coming like crime branch n very low level…
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Without my consent my bf had physical relation with me from 10yrs and he ruines my life blackmailed me and gave false marriage promise , what should i do first step ? In which ipc it comes ? I want justice ,he should marry me or he must get legal punishment in jail. Plz suggest
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I am Saima Khan, completed my B.A.LL.B.(HONS) course from RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PATIALA, PUNJAB. I need a job in any firm or any lawyer of supreme court who can pay me around 25-30 k p.m.
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Hello, I am Saima Khan, graduated from RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PATIALA , PUNJAB. I need a job in New Delhi in any firm or with any Lawyer who is practising in Supreme Court, who can pay around 25-30k p.m.
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Sir I have given 200000 of hand loan to my friend 9 months back for a period of 3 months. After a lot of pressure he agreed to sell his car to me in place of money. He gave me his car which is on others name,neither he is giving money nor transferring the vehicle on my name. Now he…
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False marriage commitment and physical relation cheating n fraudOmkar mishra
Status: | | 7
My bf used me physicaly in the name of love and false marriage promise from 5yrs and now where he disappears i dont know we are not in contact from 5months he also blackmailed me if i complain to police that he will show pics n my msgs to all and he making fake excuses to not marry he intentionally…
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I had relationship 7yrs and my bf promised me to marry but now he is denying to marry and guving any excuses and he forcefuly physical assualt without my consent, and wasted my 7yrs of life and gave me depression which is forcing me to do sucide and he says "law gives right to rape if u r in relationship"…
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I was working in Dubai night club i get 1 customer they after we 2 get love affair he take me out and he take 1 house in Dubai we stay together he’s told me he marry I trust him after 2 years we get married before I don’t no he’s married after I start together then I know so…
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