MANISH KUMAR VATS 17 Apr 2020 6:18pm
The Doctrine of Basic Structure
916 0 0
The Doctrine of Basic Structure  His Holiness Kesavananda Bharati Sripadagalavaru v. State ofKerala, AIR 1973 SC 1461 (decided by a Bench of 13 Judges)•   The most celebrated case in the history of Indian Constitutional law in which the apex Court dealt with the issue -   whether the Parliament can amend any part of the…
MANISH KUMAR VATS 17 Apr 2020 6:17pm
Judgement on Amenability of Fundamental Rights
1309 0 0
Amendability of Fundamental Rights  Shankari Prasad v. Union of India , [1952] SCR 89 (1951): Thiscase dealt with the amendability of Fundamental Rights(the First Amendment’s validity was challenged).•   The SC  Court held that the power conferred on Parliament by Art. 368 to amend is a very wide power and includes the power…
MANISH KUMAR VATS 17 Apr 2020 6:16pm
Landmark Judgments of LIFE AND LIBERTY
1218 0 0
LIFE AND LIBERTY: ADM Jabalpur v. Shivakant Shukla, (1976) 2 SCC 521 •    A Constitution Bench by a majority of 4:1, ruled that while a proclamation of emergency is in operation, the right to move High Courts under Article 226 for Habeas Corpus challenging illegal detention by State will stand suspended.   The apex Court  …
MANISH KUMAR VATS 17 Apr 2020 6:14pm
judgment on Personal Liberty
1454 0 0
Personal Liberty: Procedure Established by •  A.K.Gopalan VS. State of Madras ,[1950] SCR 88•  The  petitioner, detained under the Preventive Detention Act challenged the legality of detention  under Art. 32 of the Constitution on the ground that the said Act contravened Arts. 13, 19, 21 and 22 of the Constitution and was,…
MANISH KUMAR VATS 17 Apr 2020 5:41pm
Jamiat_Ulema_petition_Nizamuddin____writ petition mandamus
902 0 0
Jamiat_Ulema_petition_Nizamuddin____writ petition mandamus in court
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