Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 5 Apr 2021 6:03pm
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ACCOUNTABILITY OF POLICE-Kishan Dutt KalaskarThe incidence of police brutality, abuse of power and pre-trial detention in India has always remained a serious issue of human rights violations and has increased manifold in the recent past. The police are the most important law enforcement agency entrusted with preventing and detecting crime within a…
Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 17 Mar 2021 5:17pm
Guidelines to be followed by Registered Medical Practitioners to dispense medicines -	Kishan Dutt Kalaskar
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According to the World Health Organization, dispensing refers to the practice of preparing and giving medicine to a person based on a prescription from a registered medical practitioner (RMP). Dispensing of medicines by an RMP has been legalized for the convenience of the patients. It allows the availability of consultation, treatment-related supplies,…
Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 2 Mar 2021 6:01pm
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LAND MARK JUDGMENTS ON FAMILY LAW FOR THE YEAR 2020-Kishan Dutt KalaskarIntroduction: Property Claim - No limitation period for a divorced wife to claim property endowed with her husband. Child Custody - Be that as it may, the Court was unwilling to "throw away" the Petitioner on the ground of jurisdiction. Daughters Rights - While clarifying the concept…
Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 18 Feb 2021 2:59pm
Abetment to Suicide an offence under Section 306 of Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860 -By Kishan Dutt Kalaskar
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A person is accountable for abetment to suicide when any of the following conditions are fulfilled: ·         He/She instigates someone to commit suicide.·         He/She takes part in a conspiracy to make a person commit suicide. ·        …
Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 17 Feb 2021 10:07pm
Harassment by Credit Card / Bank Recovery Agents - Remedies Provided by Law
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There are numerous cases of the oppressive and illegal conduct of recovery agents attempting to recover pending dues for the banks' benefit. In the past few years there have been many such instances, to showcase an example, an 81-year-old woman was seriously threatened by recovery agents, she got 375 threatening calls concerning her child's unpaid…
Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 4 Feb 2021 5:22pm
Rights of husbands in dowry and cruelty-based complaints
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Rights of husbands in dowry and cruelty-based complaints-Kishan Dutt Kalaskar       Dowry is one of the greatest social disasters ever confronted by our nation, and no enlightened society ought to endure this, and every effort is made to eradicate this evil practice. And on the other hand, the violence that affects an individual's life,…
Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 22 Jan 2021 1:44pm
Admissibility of E-evidence; Are WhatsApp chats and E-mails admissible in Court? -Kishan Dutt Kalaskar
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Admissibility of E-evidence; Are WhatsApp chats and E-mails admissible in Court?-Kishan Dutt KalaskarThe world is ever developing, and the technology boom has laid its foundations for all parts of society. Everything, from communication to preparing to documentation, has gone digital. Numerous organizations from conglomerates to startups, conduct important…
Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 15 Jan 2021 5:29pm
Bandhs – Evil consequences on Litigants and Courts to Function
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Bandhs – Evil consequences on Litigants and Courts to Function-By Kishan Dutt Kalaskar"Bandh" is a Hindi word which signifies "shut" Bandhs, Hartals, tumults, and civil disobedience are incessant in India. They are considered an acclaimed technique for expressing dissent, drawing in the Government's interest to specific requests of an association or…
Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 3 Jan 2021 7:31am
4041 0 0
PRE-ARREST NOTICE - SECTION 41-A OF CRIMINAL POCEDURE CODE-          By Kishan Dutt Kalaskar Under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, the right to life has been offered a principal status by the judiciary. Article 21 and 22 ensure against arbitrary detainment and arrest and the legal judiciary now.…
Kishan Dutt
Kishan Dutt Kalaskar 21 Dec 2020 5:08pm
NRI's Power of Attorney to sell property in India -	By Kishan Dutt Kalaskar
2792 0 0
NRI's Power of Attorney to sell property in India-          By Kishan Dutt Kalaskar There might be numerous occasions in an individual's life wherein he may be required to manage assets, properties, financial balances, and so forth, however,under certain circumstances, he may not be in the right condition…

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