Markandey Katju 15 Aug 2023 7:49pm
New Constitution of India
338 0 0
A long time has expired since 1950 when the Indian Constitution was made, and it has now become necessary to frame and promulgate a new Constitution in view of the changed circumstances.Hence, this new Constitution has been drafted by the best legal minds of India, and is being submitted today, 15th August 2023 Independence Day, to the people of India…
Markandey Katju 15 Aug 2023 7:44pm
An irrelevant issue
899 0 0
For the last 5 days a 5 judge bench of the Indian Supreme Court has been hearing a bunch of 20 petitions challenging the validity of abrogation on 6th August 2019 of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which grants a special status to the state of Jammu & Kashmir ( J&K ),…
Markandey Katju 14 Aug 2023 9:55am
Siddhartha Varadarajan's half truths
494 0 0
Witnesses in court have to swear to tell the whole truth, but Siddhartha Varadarajan who runs the portal, and professes to be an independent, impartial.and upright journalist, believes in telling half truths.The latest example is his video on Justice S. Muralidhar, Chief Justice of Odisha High Court, who retired recently…
Markandey Katju 11 Aug 2023 10:47pm
If I was made Chief Justice of Pakistan
464 0 0
I recently gave an interview online to a Pakistani journalist, Sohrab Barkat of, which is below were over 670 comments on Youtube after the interview was displayed. Among these were some comments, probably from Pakistanis, that I should be made Chief Justice of Pakistan ( CJP )..The…
Markandey Katju 1 Jul 2023 12:12pm
Eid al Adha in Court
418 0 0
Today 29th June is Eid al Adha ( also called Eid ul Zoha or Bakrid ) an important festival among Muslims in which an animal is sacrificed ( qurbani )..This reminded me of a case I heard in the Allahabad High Court shortly after I was appointed a Judge there in 1991.The petition, presented a few days before Eid al Adha, prayed that I should order ban…
Markandey Katju 13 Jun 2023 3:13pm
Katju, thonkte raho
379 0 0
Today morning I saw this message sent by someone on my fb messenger :  '' Hello sir, I am a lawyer practising in Allahabad High Court.Today an elderly advocate reminded me about your past time when you were a sitting judge of Allahabad High Court.I was waiting to argue a matter of demolition when a very old advocate sitting beside me said " Ye…
Markandey Katju 6 May 2023 1:40pm
Justice at its purest
893 0 0
In my articles below I have explained what true justice should be, totally detached from considerations of personal interest or personal notions. may now give some other examples of this from…
Markandey Katju 3 May 2023 12:04pm
A Kashmiri King who did justice
938 0 0
One of the functions of a Judge is to protect the poor and weak against the rich and powerful.In earlier times the King would often dispense justice himself e.g. Mughal Emperor Jahangir who installed a chain of justice which anyone seeking justice from the Emperor could pull.…
Markandey Katju 28 Apr 2023 12:22pm
How I would have dealt with the case
1065 0 0
Pakistan's Supreme Court delivered a strong verdict on 4th April that in view of Article 224(2) of Pakistan's Constitution elections to a Provincial Assembly must be held within 90 days of its dissolution, and consequently it struck down the decision of the Election Commission of Pakistan postponing the Punjab Assembly elections to 8th October, and…
Markandey Katju 28 Apr 2023 12:17pm
Judges should do their duty, irrespective of the consequences
1115 0 0
Article 224(2) of Pakistan's Constitution is clear : elections to a Provincial Assembly must be held within 90 days of it dissolution, and it is the duty of the Pakistan Supreme Court to enforce the Constitution. However, many people, mostly Pakistanis, have asked me on twitter how can the Pakistan Supreme Court take on the Establishment in Pakistan,…

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