Markandey Katju 22 May 2024 2:26pm
Two questions to Their Lordships
428 0 0
A bench of the Indian Supreme Court has granted bail to Arvind Kejriwal till 1st June, but ordered him to surrender on 2nd June. parliamentary elections are going on, the Court felt it necessary for the sake of democracy to release Kejriwal to do canvassingTwo questions arise in this connection…
Markandey Katju 17 Apr 2024 5:22pm
How a single judgment converted India from a secular to a Hindu state
646 0 0
There is a school of jurisprudence called the American realist school, which says that the only real law is Judge made law, while a statute is only the raw material which a judge uses in making law. Propounders of this school were Gray, Frank and Llewellyn. The Indian Supreme Court seems to be a follower of that school.According to the realist school,…
Markandey Katju 30 Oct 2023 12:04pm
Indian Supreme Court verdict on same sex marriage
1083 0 0
The Indian Supreme Court by its verdict delivered on 17.10.2023 in Supriyo vs Union of India has rejected the petitions claiming recognition of same sex marriages…
Markandey Katju 19 Oct 2023 10:56am
Indian media is above the law
1300 0 0
Recently numerous Indian journalists raised a big hue and cry when the police investigated the website newsclick for its Chinese connection.…
Markandey Katju 6 Oct 2023 2:53pm
My Email To the Hon'ble Judges of the Pakistan Supreme Court, Islamabad
785 0 0
<>, <>Dear Brothers/SistersI have carefully followed on the internet the hearing before the 15 member full bench of the Pakistan Supreme Court on the petitions challenging the validity of the Supreme Court ( Practice and Procedure ) Act, 2023.I have expressed my view in the article below…
Markandey Katju 19 Sep 2023 2:36pm
The hearing before the full bench of the Pakistan Supreme Court
1213 0 0
A full bench consisting of all 15 Judges of the Pakistan Supreme Court heard petitions yesterday, 18th September, challenging the validity of the Supreme Court ( Practice and Procedure ) Bill 2023 made by Parliament, which required benches in the Court to be constituted not by the Chief Justice alone but by a committee consisting of 3 senior most judges…
Markandey Katju 19 Sep 2023 2:33pm
In the name of God, go !
763 0 0
The Chief Justice of Pakistan, Umar Ata Bandial, retired yesterday, 16th September, 2023. What is his legacy ? How will he be remembered ?No Judge is perfect. Some are short tempered and rude in court, some are dim witted and often cannot understand the lawyer's argument, some know little law, some talk too much in court ( in violation of Bacon's dictum…
Markandey Katju 12 Sep 2023 5:32pm
An appeal to Hon'ble the CJP Bandial and his Companion Judges of the Pakistan Supreme Court
662 0 0
By Justice Markandey Katju, former Indian Supreme Court Judge, and Arifa Nadeem, a Pakistani attorneyDear CJP Bandial and Hon'ble Judges of Pakistan SC.We are appealing to you to take suo motu action to get Prof Zahoor Mashwani released by issuing a writ of habeas corpus. The details are given below.Former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s focal person…
Markandey Katju 22 Aug 2023 6:30pm
President  Arif Alvi has been economical with the truth
227 0 0
The President of Pakistan Arif Alvi has stirred up a hornet's nest in Pakistan by this tweet :'' As God is my witness, I did not sign Official Secrets Amendment Bill 2023 & Pakistan Army Amendment Bill 2023 as I disagreed with these laws. I asked my staff to return the bills unsigned within stipulated time to make them ineffective. I confirmed…
Markandey Katju 21 Aug 2023 11:18am
A Judge is not a Knight Errant
395 0 0
Justice Benjamin Cardozo, the celebrated Judge of the US Supreme Court, wrote in his book 'The Nature of the Judicial Process' :'' A Judge is not a Knight Errant roaming at will in search of his own ideal of beauty and goodness ''.I submit with respect that the recent release of a 30 page handbook by the Chief Justice of India for guiding judges to…

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