Bivas Chatterjee 22 May 2021 2:13pm
Right to Use Internet : A Fundamental Right ?
961 0 0
Justice Stephen Breyer of the US Supreme Court –“Science in the Courtroom”, “In this age of science, science should expect to find a warm welcome, perhaps a permanent home, in our courtrooms… Our decisions should reflect a proper scientific and technical understanding so that the law can respond to the needs of the public.”In ACLU v. Reno, 521 US 844,…
Bivas Chatterjee 8 May 2021 6:36pm
Freedom of Speech and Expression Extends even to Social Media
2259 0 0
Part - III, Article 19 of Constitution of India says,19. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, etc.—(1) All citizens shall have the right— (a) to freedom of speech and expression;Freedom of speech is one of the most important and cherished right of a democratic country, and India being the world's largest democracy and having world's…
Bivas Chatterjee 8 May 2021 4:18pm
Is 5G Technology coming in India?
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Recently we saw a landmark development in Telecom Industry in India As per news release by PIB, Telecom Department gives permission to Telecom companies for 5G Technology and Spectrum Trials The said  trial will be in different rural, semi-urban and urban areas in India ..5G technology is expected to have 10 times higher download rate than that…
Bivas Chatterjee 3 May 2021 11:16pm
General Data Protection Regulation : Is India Ready ? [Part — I]
1926 0 0
DATA AND THE MODERN ERA:• In the light of the above, we need to have legislation which will protect us from this gross attack on our cherished privacy and security. The corner stone of all the laws in the world is human dignity as we strongly believe the celebrated maxim “Salus populi suprema lex esto” [Let the good (or safety) of the people be the…
Bivas Chatterjee 22 Apr 2021 9:56pm
Latest ECommerce Law in India
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Do you transact through different e-commerce or online platforms? In many cases we heard the complains that the item ordered to buy online or the item of desired quality was not delivered or despite ordering a valuable product for a lot of money, some bricks were found in the packet. According to, India is the second largest online market…
Bivas Chatterjee 3 Apr 2021 8:44pm
Electronic Evidence| A Murder Case | Hacking
1118 0 0
In today’s world in proving any case electronic evidence can play an important role. Hon’ble Justice Stephen Breyer of the US Supreme Court said, in the Article “Science in the Courtroom” that in this age of science, science should expect to find a warm welcome, perhaps a permanent home, in our courtrooms… Our decisions should reflect a proper scientific…
Bivas Chatterjee 2 Sep 2020 11:44pm
Banning PUBG Game in India
1577 0 0
Government of India today through Ministry of Electronics & IT decided to ban 118 more apps after banning previously various apps including TikTok etc, in,light of the facts that these apps are engaged in activities which detrimental to "sovereignty and integrity of India, defense of India, security of state and public order."In the today's list…
Bivas Chatterjee 25 Aug 2020 4:20am
Hack the World: Let Us Hack Ethically
1357 0 0
Hacking is gaining information of the weakness of a computer resources system and there after access into it, without his or her permission. Hacking can be interpreted as unlawful criminal trespass into others’ computer resources.Word hacking is a fascinating term which inspires curiosities in the mind of the people at large in the society. I can recollect,…
Bivas Chatterjee 19 Aug 2020 8:52pm
Latest Consumer Protection and E-Commerce Law in India
1624 0 0
Today, the major portion of consumers in India like the other developed and developing countries are purchasing or availing goods or services or attempting to purchase goods or services through the cyber world. On the above score, e-commerce industry has thrived its best in the last few years. Specially, in the present situation of prolonged lockdown,…
Bivas Chatterjee 15 Aug 2020 12:23pm
Do we really have a Data-Independent / Data-Sovereign Country?
1303 0 0
DATA AND THE MODERN ERA:It is accepted that Data is the ‘Air’ or ‘Oil’ of the modern ear. An individual, along with his biometric or other personally identifiable information or data, is represented by a Data packet. There are people who are called as data brokers who deal with (collect, package, and even sell out) different types of Personally Identifiable…

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