Adv. Avani
Adv. Avani Bansal 27 Jan 2020 1:58pm
Happy Republic Day! Launching a new series 'भारत का संविधान'!
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यह वीडियो 'हमारा कानून' के 'भारत के संविधान' श्रृंखला का हिस्सा है। इस श्रृंखला का उद्देश्य भारत के संविधान के बारे में कानूनी जागरूकता पैदा करना है। इस वीडियो में बताया गया है कि भारत का संविधान क्या है, वह कैसे लागू हुआ और उसका प्रस्तावना (Preamble) क्या है।भारत को एक मजबूत गणतंत्र बनाने के लिए यह आवश्यक है कि भारत के 130 करोड़ लोग संविधान के बारे…
Adv. Avani
Adv. Avani Bansal 7 Dec 2019 8:09pm
India and Indians Need To Find A Moral Compass
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In today’s political and social climate in India, where there is a systematic attempt to pitch religions against each other, where does the youth of the country, those who are in crucial times of designing and determining their inner core, find out for themselves some sort of ‘transcendental morality’ which can guide them through life’s difficult times/phases. Having…
Adv. Avani
Adv. Avani Bansal 26 Sep 2019 12:08am
'Survivor in Jail, Rape Accused In Hospital' : The curious case of Chinmayanand Case
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1) If the Extortion case against the girl is genuine, why did Chinmayanand not inform the police earlier and file a FIR? Why wait for all the allegations of rape, girl releasing her video before claiming extortion?2) Why hasn't Chinmayanand not made the complaint in his name? Rather made somebody else file it?3) Is there any direct evidence that the…
Adv. Avani
Adv. Avani Bansal 6 Sep 2019 5:54pm
Why Should Anyone Languish In Tihar During Investigating Stage? Is that Fair?
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Watch my full debate on latest developments in Chidambaram's case in 'Face Off' with Zakka Jacob on CNN News 18 here : Imagine this. FIR is filed against you. You are under investigation. You are not even an under-trial because no  charges have been framed against you yet you are sent to Tihar. This is unfortunately the condition of our legal…
Adv. Avani
Adv. Avani Bansal 28 Aug 2019 3:47pm
Will we stand for the missing law student against Swami Chinmayananda?
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1) A law student complains that Swami Chinmayanand, a BJP leader and Ex Union Minister raped her and kept her in his Ashram against her will.2) She appealed to Modi and Yogi Adityanath to save her.3) She made a video claiming that she has evidence against Chinmayanand but she and her family are facing life threat.4) This young law student is found…
Adv. Avani
Adv. Avani Bansal 23 Aug 2019 5:29pm
Chidambaram case reveals the loopholes of Indian legal system
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On @TimesNow. Here are points I make :1) Why did the SC not hear plea for urgent listing in Chidambaram's case ? Did you know that Mr. Sibal prayed before Justice Ramana that thr SC should stay any arrest by CBI until the Court has heard Mr. Chidambaram. Justice Ramana said that he can't  list the matter out of turn. Except just 4 days prior Justice…
Adv. Avani
Adv. Avani Bansal 14 Mar 2019 3:00pm
हमारा कानून : सिविल अपील पर कानून (हिंदी में)
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यह वीडियो 'हमारा कानून' परियोजना का हिस्सा है, जो सरल भाषा में कुछ मुख्य कानूनों की व्याख्या करता है। इसका उद्देश्य लोगों के लिए कानूनों को सुलभ बनाना और कानूनी जागरूकता पैदा करना है। यह वीडियो भारत में सिविल कानून में अपील पर कानून की जानकारी देता है।

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